since 1997
the core of valuable management decisions
Serban Law Firm
What we offer
White Collar Crimes
We comprise the largest team of specialists in criminal law among the leading law firms in Romania and offer assistance of Top 50 major Romanian companies and multinational companies in matters concerning the representation of corporations.
Dispute Resolution and Arbitration
At Serban & Asociații, we set up efficiently teams of litigators in order to minimize costs and time for resolving our clients’ disputes. We provide professional advice and representation to our clients on litigation, arbitration, alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and regulatory matters.
Construction & Infrastructure
Our team members have acquired a long-standing expertise in all fields of regulatory and administrative law matters, such as utilities, public procurement and urban planning.
Corporate and M&A
We provide advice in a full range of corporate law matters, including mergers and acquisitions, joint-ventures, corporate governance, restructurings and privatizations.
Restructuring & Insolvency
Our experts having represented in the last years clients in some of the largest and most difficult national restructurings and insolvencies, such as Aro Campulung bankruptcy case or Astra Vagoane Arad insolvency case.
Real Estate
Serban & Asociatii has specialists which hold great knowledge of transactions of such nature and complexity, supporting inter alia real estate developers, lenders, investment banks, and major international companies.
Our Team

George Serban
Managing Partner
Practice Areas:
Criminal Law, Commercial Law
Email: gserban@serbanlawfirm.ro

Adrian Pichler
Senior Partner
Practice Areas:
Criminal Law
Email: apichler@serbanlawfirm.ro

Radu Serban
Practice Areas:
Criminal Law
Email: rserban@serbanlawfirm.ro

Alexandru Serban
Managing Associate
Practice Areas:
Criminal Law
Email: alserban@serbanlawfirm.ro

We take pride in bringing together some of the most exceptional law professionals Romania has to offer: flexible, ambitious, talented and dedicated.
All people are equal before the law. A
good attorney is what makes a difference.
We are in practice since 1997

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